Deal Information:
-Sector: Tourism
-Country: Spain
-Sellers: Corpfin Capital / Catai
-Entry Date: October 2014
-Exit Date: December 2018
Company Overview
NUBA specializes in private luxury travel for individuals and companies. With over 22 years of experience, NUBA focuses on outgoing tourism for Spaniards travelling primarily to Africa and Southeast Asia. NUBA operates through three business lines: Retail (luxury travel for individuals, 65 different destinations), Corporate (corporate events and business travel) and Incoming (new line of business within receptive tourism for management teams and organizations)
Deal Highlights
In October 2014, SWC acquired NUBA from Corpfin Capital portfolio company Catai. SWC acquired a minority stake together with a strong and seasoned management team, with the current CEO staying in place. SWC investment case consisted of creating a Spanish speaking Abercrombie & Kent, expanding from distribution only to a fully integrated travel service business, owning proprietary and exclusive products
After SWC entrance, the company completed an ambitious add-on acquisition strategy (España Incoming, Reinventur, Tierra Viva and Perfect Day), doubling the size of the business and expanding the value chain by adding complementary premium products and services in new market segments
NUBA has become the gold standard in the higher-end travel agency sector in Spain, with plans to expand to Mexico and US and enter into the luxury boutique hotel segment. SWC stake was sold in December 2018 to a private investor